An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Off Topic Book Review: Ender in Exile

I just finished reading Orson Scott Cards's new book "Ender in Exile" which covers some of the territory between the end of "Ender's Game" and the beginning of "Speaker for the Dead" and also wraps up some story elements form the "Ender's Shadow" series.

I didn't care for the last two Ender books "Xenocide" and "Children of the Mind". I thought that they were good, but I had come to expect greatness from Card and so 'good' tasted awfully bitter in my mouth when I read them. "Ender's Shadow" and the subsequent series improved my mood and seemed to find Card back in fighting form.

Fortunately "Ender in Exile" keeps the successes going. Like "Speaker for the Dead" it is a very different novel from "Ender's Game", but still reminds you just how smart Ender is and how capable he is. If there is a flaw in this book, the flaw is that the book feels like two novels and a short story stitched together. They are all great stories, but the work did not feel like a single work. This doesn't bother me because, as I said the stories are all great, but the effect does make the narrative a little bumpy as the author transitions from one story to the next.

I enjoyed the book enough that I bought it, which says something. I rarely buy fiction anymore. And having finished the book, I am still glad that I bought it. I will likely regift it- but even there I think the book will be enjoyed.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Monday Meditations: By Word, By Blood, By Tribe

I have nothing in this life, but three things.

I have my word. Do I do as I say I do? Every time I do, I place a hand full of earth on the place where I stand, and raise myself up a little in the eyes of those who matter to me. Every time I do not, I scoop out a handful of earth and descend a little bit into a pit of my own making. Most people spend their lives adding one handful of earth with one hand as they remove a handful with the other hand. And by doing so, and by attempting too much and many alone, they grow tired. And eventually they sink a little, and then the rally, but not quite enough. And so slowly most people sink in slow motion, becoming a failed compromised version of who they wished to be when they were young.

My word is magic. My word is an invocation that I cast upon myself to make myself better today than I was yesterday. My word is my promise to myself, and this is why we lose respect for those who have no word that matters, who have dug themselves a pit. For how do you respect one who does not respect their own word and themselves by association?

I have my blood. How much do I commit to what I do? What will I risk when the cause it right? I may always keep my word and be ill respected, because I will risk nothing. I toil each day in the service of a master, loyal and meek and well looked after. My word is good, but my blood is lacking. I need to spill a little blood for a good cause. I need to sweat and toil in a place where I could fail and fail when the world is watching. I need to raise the stakes now and then and put something of value into the pot or I will find that I have been playing for small stakes my whole life and have nothing worth protecting anymore. I will find that because I risked nothing, I am worth nothing.

My blood is magic. My blood is a ward that demands my commitment and my full attention. My blood is my bond and my proof that I will see this through. For how can one who has never bleed understand what I means to fight?

I have my tribe. Who am I loyal to, no matter the cost? For whom will I face death and court disaster? I cannot build a tribe for myself. I find my tribe, but they choose me. I must prove myself worthy of them through word and blood. If they deem me worthy they will choose me, and I deem them worthy I will choose them. Fear the tribe of worthy men and women who have chosen each other, for they are immortal.

My Tribe is magic. My tribe is the force by which I amplify my efforts. My tribe is my legacy long after I am gone. My tribe is my offering to the earth and my great grandchildren. For who can topple a wall made of warriors bound together so tightly?