Daniel Quinn
Daniel Quinn and his core ideas are central to the ideas on this page. Read everything he has written.
The Three
- Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
- My Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
- The Story of B, by Daniel Quinn
Other Works
- Beyond Civilisation, by Daniel Quinn
- The Holy, by Daniel Quinn
- After Dachau, by Daniel Quinn
Humans have been tricked into living in ways that do not enrich their lives. We must learn from the ways that came before and build something new learning from what did work.
James C. Scott
- Against the Grain, by James C. Scott
- The Art of Not Being Governed, by James C. Scott
- Seeing Like a State, by James C. Scott
- Weapons of the Weak, by James C. Scott
Other Works
- Pandora's Seed, by Thomas Spencer Wells
- Stone Age Economics, by Marshall Sahlins
- Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches, by Marvin Harris
- Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall
- Inventing the Child by J. Zornado
- Don't Sleep, There are Snakes, by Daniel Everett
- The Continuum Concept, by Jean Liedloff
- Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown
- The Spell of the Sensuous, by David Abram
- The Golden Bough, by James George Frazier
- Becoming Animal, by David Abram
- Genesis and the Rise of Civilization, by J. Snodgrass
- Contagious: Why Things Catch On, by Jonah Berger
- Gang Leader for a Day, by Sudhir Venkatesh
- Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha
- Being and Place Among the Tlingit, by Thomas F. Thornton
Political Science
- On Killing by David Grossman
- War, by Sebastion Junger
- Tribe, by Sebastion Junger
- Climate Wars, by Gwynne Dyer
- The Long Emergency, by James Howard Kunstler
- The Road to Hell, by Michael Maren
- On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder
- Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual to Changing the World , by Rick Falkvinge
- Banker To The Poor, by Muhammad Yunus
- Creating a World without Poverty, by Muhammad Yunus
- Dumbing us Down, by John Taylor Gatto
- Assault on Reason, by Al Gore
- The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, by Thom Hartmann
- Letter to a Christian Nation, by Sam Harris
- Weapons of Mass Instruction, by John Taylor Gatto
- Civilization and its Discontents, by Sigmun Freud
- Walden, by Henry David Thoreau
- The Enchiridion, by Epictetus
- bolo'bolo by p.m.
- Breaking the Spell, by Daniel Dennett
- Black Swan, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield
- The Culture of Make-Believe, by Derrick Jensen
- What We Leave Behind, by Derrick Jensen
- Reality is Broken, by Jane McGonigal
- Superbetter, by Jane McGonigal
- Where Good Ideas Come From, by Steven Johnson
- You Are Now Less Dumb, by David McRaney
- When Gods Collide, by Kate James
- The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins
- God is not Great, by Christopher Hitchens
- Misquoting Jesus, by Bart D. Ehrman
- Jesus, Interrupted, by Bart E. Ehrman
- Good Book, David Plotz
- The Magic of Reality, by Richard Dawkins
- The Greatest Show on Earth, by Richard Dawkins
- Full House, by Stephen Jay Gould
- The Panda's Thumb, by Stephen Jay Gould
- Fruitless Fall, by Rowan Jacobsen
- The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan
Pop Psychology and Culture
- The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
- Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell
- David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell
- Influencer, by Kerry Patterson et all.
- Gaviotas, by Alan Weisman
- The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman
- The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
- The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance, by Josh Waitzkin
- The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors' Toolkit, by Dmitry Orlov
- SuperGods, by Grant Morrison
- The Power of Positive Deviance, by Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin
- Switch, by Chip and Dan Heath
- The Four Hour Chef, by Tim Ferriss
- Moonwalking with Einstein, by Joshua Forer
- Mind Performance Hacks, by Ron Hale-Evans
- The Tracker, by Tom Brown Jr.
- Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin
- Turning Pro, by Steven Pressfield
- The Age of Missing Information, by Bill McKibben
- The Wisdom of Psychopaths, by Kevin Dutton
- The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success, by Kevin Dutton
- Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath
- Predictably Irrational, by Dan Ariely
- The Year of Living Biblically, by A. J. Jacobs
- Eaarth, by Bill McKibben
- The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael E. Gerber
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki
- Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, by Owen Davies
- How to Survive with a Salary, by Charles Long
- The Numerati, by Stephen Baker
- Guyland, by Michael Kimmel
- The World Until Yesterday, by Jared Diamond
- Deer Hunting with Jesus, by Joe Bageant
Prepping and Communes
That being prepared is considered a fringe pursuit is a strange combination of the reputation of those who pursue the activity as a dedicated pastime and testament to how easy modern first world living makes being unprepared.
- Emergency!, by Neil Strauss
- The Disaster Diaries, by Sam Sheridan
- Radical Simplicity, by Dan Price
- The Barefoot Architect, by Johan van Lengen
- The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm , by Lewis Dartnell
- The Boy who Harnessed the Wind, by by William Kamkwamba
- One Straw Revolution, Masanabu Fukuoka
- Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning, by The Gardeners and Farmers of Terre Vivante
- Creating a Life Together, by Diana Leafe Christian
- Too Much Magic, by James Howard Kuntsler
- Endgame: The Problem of Civilization, Derrick Jensen
- Peak Everything, by Ricahrd Heinberg
- Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser
- In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X, by Malcolm X and Alex Haley
- Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl
- Nudge, by Richard H Thaler
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years, by David Graeber
- Fences and Windows, by Naomi Klein
- Savage Inequalities, by Jonathan Kozol
- Food of the Gods, by Terrence McKenna
- The Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tsu
- Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- The Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff
- The Essential Rumi, by Rumi
- Anti-Fragile, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The Songlines, by Bruce Chatwin
- The Writer's Journey, by Christopher Vogler
- The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch
- God Is Not One, by Stephen Prothero
- Hiroshima, by John Hersey
- Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius
- The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education, by Grace Llewellyn
- Future Primitive, and other Essays, by John Zerzan
- The Party's Over, by Richard Heinberg
- Powerdown, by Ricahrd Heinberg
- The Theory of the Leisure Class, by Thorstein Veblen
- Why Your World is about to get a Whole Lot Smaller, by Jeff Rubin
- The Urban Homestead, by Kelly Coyne
- Teaming with Microbes, by Jeff Lowenfels
- Finding Community, by Diana leafe Christian
- Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes, by Robert Kull
- Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, by James E. Lovelock
- The Population Bomb, by Paul R. Ehrlich
- Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning, by George Monbiot, Matthew Prescott
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, by Mark Manson
- A Language Older than Words, by Derrick Jensen
- Earth repair, by Leila Darwish
- How to Have a Beautiful Mind, by Edward, De Bono
- New Thinking for the New Millennium, Edward De Bono
- The Ecology of Commerce, by Paul Hawken
- Blessed Unrest, by Paul Hawken
- Growing a Business, by Paul Hawken
- The Magic of Findhorn, by Paul Hawken and David Baxter
- Behaving as if the God in all Life Mattered, by MacHaelle S. Wright
- The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, by Bruce Lee
- Natural Born Heroes, by Christopher McDougall
- Natural Navigator, by Tristan Gooley
- Unleashing the Idea Virua, by Seth Godin
- Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us, by Daniel Pink
- Earth: Then and Now, by Fred Pearce
- Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples, by Nancy J. Turner
- Free Will, by Sam Harris
- Games People Play, by Eric Berne
- Understanding Comics, by Scott McCloud
- Making Comics, by Scott McCloud
- On Writing, by Stephen King
- The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday
- Trust Me, I'm Lying, by Ryan Holiday
- Plan C, by Pat Murphy
- The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg
- Providence, by Daniel Quinn
- Sustainable Revolution, by Juliana Birnbaum
- Sway, by Ori Brafman
- Wonderful Life, by Stephen Jay Gould
- The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto
- How to Re-imagine the World: A Pocket Guide for Practical Visionaries, by Anthony Weston
- Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, by William McDonough
- Hearts and Minds: A People's History of Counterinsurgency, editted by Hannah Gurman
- The Humanure Handbook, by Joseph C. Jenkins
- My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization, by Chellis Glendinning
- The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, by David C. Korten
- Culture Jam, by Kalle Lasn
- Diet for New America, by John Robbins
- Where There Is No Dentist, by Murray Dickson
- Where There Is No Doctor, by David Werner, Jane Maxwell, Carol Thuman
- Just in Case, by Kathy Harrison
- Deep Survival, by Laurence Gonzales
- Everyday Survival, by laurence Gonzales
- Rogue Warrior by Richard Marcinko
- How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere, By Bradford Angier
- SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere, By John Lofty Wiseman
- Survive! Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive, By Les Stroud
- The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Times Paperback, by Albert K. Bates
- Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, by Bill Mollison
- The Transition Handbook, by Rob Hopkins
- Sepp Holzer's Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening, by Sepp Holzer and Patrick Whitefield
- Mycelium Running, by Paul Stamets
- Guerilla Marketing, by Jay Conrad Levinson
- Marketing Lessons From the Grateful DeadMarketing Lessons From the Grateful Dead, By Scott, David Meerman
- The 33 Strategies of War, by Robert Greene
- Iron John, by Robert Bly
- An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and the Supernatural, by James Randi
- Ten Billion, by Stephen Emmott
- The Upside of Down, by Thomas Homer-Dixon
- The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante's Guide to What You Do and Do Not Know to Become a Qabalist, by Lon Milo DuQuette
- Mysterious Stranger, by David Blane
- Royal Road to Card Magic, by Jean Hugard
- Strong Magic, by Darwin Ortiz
- Daily Rituals, by Mason Currey
- Winning through Intimidation, by Robert Ringer
- Wherever you Go, There you Are, By John Kabat-Zinn
- Exploiting Chaos, by Jeremy Gutsche
- Negotiating with Giants: Get What You Want Against the Odds, by Peter D. Johnston
- Simplexity, by Jeffrey Kluger
- Lost Crafts: Rediscovering Traditional Skills, by Una McGovern
- Scatter, Adapt and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction, by Annalee Newit
- Advanced Magick for Beginners, by Alan Chapman
- Zen in the Martial Arts, Joe Hyams
- The Sandman, Complete Series, by Neil Gaiman
- Flex Mentallo, by Grant Morrison
- Nameless by Grant Morrison
- Seven Soldiers, Complete Series, by Grant Morrison
- Annihilator, by Grant Morrison
- The Invisibles, Complete Series by Grant Morrison
- Dune, by Frank Herbert
- Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe
- Ana Historic, by Daphne Marlatt
- Green Grass, Running Water, by Thomas King
- Dies the Fire, by S. M. Stirling
- Freak Angels, Complete Series, by Warren Ellis
- Nasicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Complete Series, by Hayao Miyazaki
- Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen
- The Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett
- Moon Knight, Vol 1, From the Dead, by Warren Ellis
- Truth and Bright Water, by Thomas King
- V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore
- Watchmen, by Alan Moore
- Wild Seed, by Octavia E. Butler
- American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
- Brian's Winter, by Gary Paulsen
- Brian's Return, by Gary Paulsen
- Call it Courage, by Sperry Armstrong
- Murder Mysteries, by P. Craig Russell and Neil Gaiman
- The Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson
- Dresden Codak: The Tomorrow Girl, by Aaron Diaz
- Rice Boy, by Evan Dahm
- Animal Man, by Grant Morrison
- Speaker for the Dead, by Orson Scott Card
- The Last Hero, by Terry Pratchett
- Global Frequency, Vol 1, by Warren Ellis
- Supergod, by Warren Ellis
- One Second After, by William R. Forstchen
- The Protector's War, by S.M. Stirling
- Meeting at Corvalis, by S.M. Stirling
- The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair
- The Fifth Sacred Thing, by Starhawk
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
- The Dream Quest of the Unknown Kadath, by H.P. Lovecraft
- At the Mountains of Madness, by H.P. Lovecraft
- The Call of Cthulhu, by H.P. Lovecraft
- Uncle Tom's Cabin, by harriet Beecher Stowe
- A Newcomer's Guide to the Afterlife, by Daniel Quinn
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