An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Setting up and Running a Game
Running an Ongoing Campaign
The Deck of Fire for Incursion 1

The Release Party page for the Blood Red Dreaming Incursion book: INTO THE RING now has the sections up for Setting up and Running a Game, Running an Ongoing Campaign, and a full list of the Deck of Fire for this first Incursion Book. Here at

Setting Up and Running a Game
What do you need?
To play any game of Blood Red Dreaming you will need the following: the rules, a deck of void, a deck of fire, an incursion (possibly from an incursion book, possibly your own). You will also need some paper and writing implements, and some friends. That’s it.

How do you get it?
Here ( ), and it’s all free! Just download and print what you want! If you’d like a physical copy of the Deck of Void, we have a few available here ( ).

What about People?
Yes, you need people- preferably friends. We can’t tell you how to go about making friends, but we can tell you that Blood Red Dreaming is best played with between four and six people. It can be played with both more and less people, but you may find it a little more awkward.

So how do you Run the Game?
One person plays the Storyteller (ideally this person should be different each time the game is played), and the others take the role of Psychonauts: explorers of the mind delving deep into the world of stories.

The Storyteller then reads the Incursion session they will be running to learn the flow of the story and the game. They will act as a sort of film director to the psychonauts. The Storyteller will set the stage for each scene in the story and guide the Psychonauts as they attempt to hero their way through the story. The rules will be explained as we go. So have patience, all will come clear soon.

Running an Ongoing Campaign
Blood Red Dreaming is designed for adults with busy schedules. Players can drop in and drop out as their schedules demand. New players can join at any stage in the ongoing story with minimal need for integration. We, the authors, do recommend that you use a shared document of some sort to log the ongoing story, since the storyteller ought to be changing regularly. Beyond that, the transition guides coming out later this month will keep the storytellers going. 

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