(*Reprinted from Food Poisoning for Thought as part my ongoing process to unify my web presence.*)
We don't live in the real world. We live in a fantasy world constructed by our mind.
How can this be?
Because we can't access the real world. Our senses are ridiculously
limited in their perceptions. Sight is limited to the so call visible
spectrum, unable to see infrared or ultraviolet, radio waves or x-rays.
We see thirty frames per second, making the very fast and the very slow
virtually invisible to our senses. Our hearing is likewise limited, and
our sense of smell fails to notice all kinds of deadly vapors. We can't
perceive radiation, except when it sickens or kills us.
In addition, the idea that our sense will function properly is
something frequently disproven, near-sightedness, far-sightedness,
blindness, deafness, colorblindness, hallucinations and much more reduce
our already limited knowledge of the real world.
And what of our assumptions? Humans don't come hardwired with the
knowledge that an adult possesses, and no two adults accumulate the same
body of knowledge, the same cultural baggage, the same heuristics and
contexts, stories and biases and on and on.