A Collapse! Game Workshop?
What is that?
Genus Rex Enterprises Inc. runs free Game Workshops using Collapse!, our educational board game. The board game teaches players the need for sustainable skills such as gardening, and awareness of how environmental damage anywhere in the world can impact them at home.
We run a 2 hour free event for you club, school, event or organization- that will help engage and excite your members, while allowing them to explore concepts and teach themselves.
How Will This Help You?
Finding the Why
The Game Workshop teaches motivation, which is difficult to teach under regular circumstances- such as a lecture or readings. Through experiencing the game workshop, players will teach themselves of the need for community involvement and the need to acquire leadership and self-sufficiency skills.
Supported Information
The events depicted on the Event Cards in the game are based either on actual events that have occurred already or based upon scientific theories and conjectures currently being discussed in political and scientific communities. Each Event Card will give an example to help connect the game to real life and make players curious about these subjects.
Self Running
Genus Rex Enterprises Inc. sends its own team in to set up and run the Game Workshop entirely. The event takes 2 hours, and can be allowed to run to 3 or even 4 hours for longer requested events. And during this time, you do not need to coordinate anything! you may even play the game along side everyone else.
Who would be Interested?
A Collapse! Game Workshop is ideal for anyone seeking to raise interest in Sustainability, Community Involvement, Self-Sufficiency Skills, Environmental Concerns,
and Teamwork skills.
A Collapse! Game Workshop is ideal for Classrooms (grades 5 and up), Scout and Guide Groups and related Youth Groups, Environmental Groups, and any group interested Sustainability and encouraging Youth Leadership.
The Game itself
The game takes roughly 2 hours to set up, explain, play, and answer questions about following play. Scoring is designed so that players compete against the game rather than each other. All elements of game play are designed so that players teach themselves and each other, rather than being taught, in order to improve the impact of the game. Players must obtain their personal needs of food, shelter and safety, while also protecting the community well-being and infrastructure. Players receive both a group score and a personal score, allowing players to choose between community centered altruism or personal gain- and teaching the consequences of both. Up to 30 players can be mentored through five separate games, playing against the other players and the other boards in the room- learning social responsibility as they do. | Players will learn about:
For workshops outside the British Columbia Lower Mainland- you will be charged for our travel expenses. All workshops done within the Lower Mainland are performed free of charge.
How We Make This Easy For You
We arrive at least thirty minutes prior (and up to one hour prior if needed) to the start time to set up and and deal with any surprises.
We do all necessary clean up relating to the workshop itself, although there shouldn’t be much.
We are easy to get a hold of through Senior Event Coordinator Ryan Cove- via his cell number (778-998-1377).
We run the event free of charge. We do not charge for the workshop, but make our income through advertising and sponsorship through social conscious organizations.
The workshop itself is not active and does not have safety concerns. Players sit in groups of 5 to 8 and play a board game and discuss what they are doing, as facilitators walk around and clarify rules and help keep the games moving along.
The workshop is also amenable to pauses and breaks as needed by the venue and any larger events to which the workshop may by subordinate.
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