An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saturday Thoughts: On Corrective Rape

Corrective Rape is, even as mere words on a screen, a poisonous tool of domestication. The domestic human has been trained by institutional violence and abuse (differentiated by also including psychological and social and similar forms of abuse). The domestic human has been bred for meekness and docility. The domestic human has been deliberately starved of skills and then turned loose to become a member of some ruling class member's flock.

The basic power dynamic amongst domesticated humans is simple- a small minority are allowed to have it, the rest are not.

Power is freedom. Or it might be more exact to say that power transforms into freedom when used upon ones self, and power transforms into oppression when used upon others.

Amongst domesticated humans, the female of the species is explicitly subordinate within the culture. The female exists as a form of pleasure for the male and as a method of producing more domesticated humans. In centuries past this could be stated explicitly, but in recent years the domesticated human has hidden this from himself. The self-deception is named progress. But the old rules can still be found looking through the cracks in this wall of deception.

Corrective rape is one such crack in the wall. Corrective rape is term used to describe the actions of a man who rapes a lesbian, bisexual or similar woman in order to cure her.

The logic is simple and ugly. By asserting a sexuality that removes the woman from the assumed position as pleasure giver and baby maker for the benefit of (male) domesticated human culture, the woman reclaims power for herself that would otherwise have been used by the (male) elite minority. By defining herself, rather than allowing a label to be applied to her, she further reclaimed her power. By choosing a role that does not exist within domesticated (male) human culture, she even flirts with the concept of withdrawing her power entirely from the hands of the (male) elite minority and placing her own power back in her own hands.

Rape is an assertion of sexual hierarchy. The purpose is to remind the victim of the proper direction in which things are supposed to flow. Violence flows down the hierarchy, power flows up the hierarchy.

By claiming a free and independent identity, a woman steals her own power from the upper levels of the hierarchy who believe such power belongs to them . Corrective rape is an attempt to reassert the proper arrangement as decided by the hierarchy of the (male) domesticated elite minority.

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