An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sechelt Quest: The Lost Camp, Part Two

When last we left our intrepid quartet, we were heading down the dusty trail surrounded by berry bushes and fresh bear poop.


The final leg of the journey to Sechelt Inlet was all down hill, and steeply down hill, 800 meters in about 3 to 4 km or so. And the decline was not steady, it was a a series a brutal drops interspersed with flat strips to lull us into complacency.

And by complacency I mean brutalize our knees with large loose rocks and soft dusty soil, both of which gave way at the slightest pressure from our damaged and battered feet.

But at the end of the trek we found ourselves on the beach looking out at this.

Tune in Tomorrow and we'll show you the video.

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