An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Monday, July 23, 2012

On Connections

 I've been noticing lately, that I have to preface a lot of what I say. I need to point out that simply because I disagree with this left wing political view, I am not a conservative by process of elimination. I need to explain that my rejection of these right wing views does mean that I am a member of the left wing progressive movement.

This happens to me all the time. Because I do not factionalize or pigeon-hole myself into one of the available categories on most issues, I am forced into a weird dream world in debates where my opponent is debating against his or her hallucination of me- one that often has nothing to do with what I have said, but everything to do with what my opponent believes their enemies will say.

I get frustrated when people argue with me against views I have not expressed.

Most people are not caricatures by nature, but I worry that our desire to pick a side is encouraging us to become caricatures willingly as the price of admission into the in-group.

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