An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Monday, August 25, 2014

Feel Good Architecture

I have noticed that there is a new rash of stores and shops that cater to the 'green' sensibilities. These shops look quaint and homespun- but they look (paradoxically) professional quality quaint and homespun.

I have walked through malls that seem more like Disneyworld. I have looked at Starbuck's carefully hand chalked advert signs. I have prowled through cheesy organic logos that were specially designed by high priced design companies intentionally to look homespun and amateurish.

These shops are cashing in the the big money available for those willing to pull the guilt string of middle income first world families that don't want to make an effort, but want to feel like they are helping the environment.

And profits are good.

I feel sick.

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