An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Brave New Titans

I don't watch Attack on Titan. And to my knowledge there been no big news regarding the anime/manga sensation. I could be wrong, but have no interest in checking to see.

What I do have is an interest in the Descartes narrative. The conspiracy narrative tells us that we love in a prison and like the rabbit farm in 'Watership Down', we not only don't k ow that we are imprisoned- we don't want to know. The 'Deus Ex' series posits the possibility that we may even be complicit, drones or even enforcers in the machine of oppression.

And this narrative is no longer a rare and curious outlier. This is the biggest selling concept in teen lit short of sexing up sexy hundred year old vampires inexplicably still into teenaged girls.

This is an action movie stable. Even the standard bearer for the good company man: James Bond, has a penchant for going outright rogue now.

What is going on here? What is everyone feeling? The since everyone seems to have is that '1984' and 'Brave New World' both happened and nobody noticed.

And each group describes their own villains. Liberal see a right-wing conspiracy. Conserve dipsea left-wing conspiracy. Atheists see a theocratic conspiracy. Religious conservatives see a secular conspiracy.

It seems unlikely that all of them are correct. The conspiracies overlap and conflict to such a degree but it seems simpler to dismiss them. But it seems unwise to dismiss such a strong Trend in public thought.

I believe it was Alan Moore, the comic book Legend, Who posited multiple conflicting conspiracies all fighting against each other. And this seems more plausible explanation. But there's another option, what if there is no conspiracy?

What if the thing that people are mischaracterizing as a conspiracy is simply the cold mechanistic workings of the complicated systems we have built over the last two thousand years of civilization? What if we put ourselves in the Box? What if we conspire against ourselves? What if we are them?

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