When we take action, we dip into a well and draw out water of a spiritual or psychological sort, pick your metaphor. It is the water from this well that sustains us. When it runs dry, we run dry.
So what is the well? Well that's the question. And it's one you get to answer, because you choose what you use as your well. Some choose ego. Some choose religion or politics or philosophy or some other outside standard. Some choose the opinions of others, the Goodwill of their friends or family.
But choose a deep well. If the well you choose is shallow, your well will inevitably run dry. And there is no shallower well than the well of the self.
To mix metaphors; we are tiny flickering lights in a vast expanding Darkness, and to think that our light alone can hold back the darkness is foolish.
You need something bigger than yourself. You need something eternal: a hole that can never be filled, a race never completed- but which you love to run.
This is why we have created so many gods and so many religions. This is why we have codes of Honor. This is why we have schools of philosophy and political parties. We need a grand Eternal story. We need a universal truth upon which we lay the foundation of our soul.
And this is all illusion, but you must choose an illusion nonetheless, so make it a good one.
Life is short
Work is crap
Join my cult
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