An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Denial of Death - Denial of Consequences

We are in denial of death. We measure success by how much we get bigger, every year, without end. We declare war on disease and old age and mortality. We are appalled every time anybody dies.

We need to welcome death. Death is the creator of life. Dying, silently, painfully, violently, peacefully- however- is what generates momentum that creates energy, space, resources and opportunity for the next generation.

Karl Marx famously declared on his death bed that last words were for those who hadn't said enough in life. I would argue that fear of death is for those amongst us who haven't done enough in life. If I am right in my assertion, then this speaks volumes for our culture. 

Death creates life. Decomposition is fuel for the next bloom of life cycle. Everything has its turn in the sun, and everything must surrender to death eventually.  If we do not admit that we must die, and take this truth into account, we will fill the world with so much life that there is no longer enough death to feed our next generation. And then, like the locusts who clear the plains of Africa with their hunger and die in a blaze of glory to feed the next generation- we will learn the hard way that death will not be denied.

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