An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Monday, February 27, 2012

What is the Lunisolar Year? And How do freepathers use it?


The lunisolar year is a calendar system that bases the year around the solar year: using equinoxes and/or solstices to mark the year, and the lunar month: using the lunar cycle to mark the months.

Not all freepathers use the lunisolar year, and they do not all use the same one. that said, the lunisolar year is popular amongst feepathers for a number of reasons.

The Freepath recommends the idea of immersion as the goal rather than enlightment, embracing the physical world rather than transcending it. As such, a calendar that is self regulating based upon physical patterns that are directly and personally observable allows the freepather to put themselves in a direct and vibrant relationship with the planet, the sun, the moon, the seasons, and all the myriad of things touched by the changing seasons.

Just as the year ends for a third grader on last day of school before summer vacation, so does the year end with the cold of winter end the year for the gardener.

Using the lunisolar calendar requires nothing more than a view of the sky, and allows the freepather to tell the date in the same way that he would tell if it was raining, by looking outside. No intervening outside forces are required to make the knowledge understandable or useable.

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