An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is a Prayer Promise?


A prayer promise is a promise written on paper or on a cloth flag, made to the generations of children yet unborn who will be affected by the actions of the person now alive. Paper prayer promises are referred to as prayer sheets. Cloth prayer promises are referred to as prayer flags.

Prayer sheets are traditionally burned in ceromonial fashion in a ritual of some sort. Prayer sheets, being more private, are generally used for personal commitments, or in public ceremonies where the ceremony itself acts as communal reinforcement.

Prayer flags are not burned as a general rule, but are displayed outside of a person's home or in another public place. Such prayers are displayed as a method of commitment, so that other members of the community can help to hold the freepather accountable to the unborn elders on the promise made. 

Prayer sheets and flags are not assumed to have any magical power, but are used to reinforce personal commitments and public responsibilities and promises. Not all Freepathers use Prayer sheets or flags, and those that do may call them by different names. The use of the word prayer is designed to draw a link to practices that new frepather's are likely to recognize, not to indicate any religious connection.

Common variations include written boards where public declarations can be made, whether online systems or physical are used. Audio and visual recording of oaths are also used. Written promises sealed with wax stamped with signets are used by some romantics amongst Freepathers.

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