An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dear Employers: Not Your Soldiers (Food Poisoning for Thought Reprint)

(*Reprinted from Food Poisoning for Thought as part my ongoing process to unify my web presence.*)

Dear Employers of the world,

We are your employees. We are not your soldiers. We are not zealots for your cause. We do not believe in your mediocre vision statement, and we do not care about corporate profits beyond the minimum amount that we are required to care in order to keep our jobs. We have not drunk the Kool-Aid and no amount of seminars and business management books will help change that.

We are here because we wish to fill the plates upon our family dinner table with food and being a hunter gatherer is a path now denied to us by course of civilization. We are here because we desire a warm bed, comfortable clothes and a same home to shield us from the elements and modern population growth and urbanization means that such things cost more now are more fiercely contested than at any time in history. We are here because our child has a toothache and our spouse needs Chelation Therapy and these things cost money. We are here because although it is possible to buck the system and go against the flow, we didn't understand what would be required of us until our school system wasted all the best time to learn just how to escape this trap of false adulthood. 

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