An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Friday, October 23, 2015

Movie Review: Shaun of the Dead (Food Poisoning for Through Reprint)

(*Reprinted from Food Poisoning for Thought as part my ongoing process to unify my web presence.*)
Shaun of the Dead
I think what I like/loathe about 'Shaun of the Dead' is the way everyone takes the zombie apocalypse in stride. Nobody panics and nothing is done to solve the zombie virus (although celebrities have started the 'Zomb-Aid' charity). The movie ends (spoiler alert) with the military systematically and effectively containing the zombie outbreak and everyone carries on as though this was normal. This is a good depiction of human strength, we carry on despite the horror; while also pointing out that we keep attempting to not adapt to changing situations and to not solve world shaking problems. This is why people will survive any collapse that still leaves room for human existence at all and why we will then build a semblance of a normal life. But it is also why we will ignore problems that might require us to chance our day to day routine. Do not adjust your set.

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