An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Risky Actions, Bad Decisions and Sacrifice Plays

Risky Actions, Bad Decisions
and Sacrifice Plays

Players can boost their Avatar's chances of success by taking short term bonuses in exchange for penalties down the road. These take the form of four modifiers to actions: Foolish Optimism (described under difficulty and consequences), Risky Actions, Bad Decisions, and Sacrifice Plays.

Risky Actions.

Players may add up to +3 on any action by explaining how they taking some to boost their chances of success. This becomes a Story Element card with an identical value as a penalty that the Storyteller may apply later in a way that matches and/or relates to the risk taken.

Bad Decisions.

Players may transform a failed action into a Problematic Success in exchange for a Story Element that has an ongoing penalty affect that lasts until the remainder of the session unless the reversal is applied.

Sacrifice Play.

Players may voluntarily shatter their Aura- removing them from active gameplay for the remainder of the session- in exchange for an amazing success on an action.

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