An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Concept Idea: The Heroic Quest for the Perfect Angel CINDY-CT8

A post-apocalyptic black comedy model modelled on the story of the Ramayana.

Raymond is a spoiled survivalist child in a powerful prepper camp. A bandit raid on the camp results in the theft of a number of important pieces of gear, several people, an armored vehicle and Raymond's collectible figure of his favorite animated heroine: Cindy-ct8 (still on the package!)

Raymond is uninterested in until he learns of theft of his figurine, and then he is roused to an epic quest to retrieve Cindy.

Ideas: Ray is an idiot hero and a comedic sociopath. He is not incompetent, rather he is disinterested in anything outside his narrow range of interests. He is the butt monkey as karma smacks him around for his selfish attitude nearly constantly. However everyone mistakes his antics for heroism, except for Ann Nguyen (Hanumann) who views Raymond as a kind of charming brain damaged child that needs protecting.

The constant efforts by Anne to keep Ray out of trouble are a major source of the humor.

Another key source of humor is the fact that the audience knows that Raymond is questing for an action figure, but the rest of the characters believe Cindy to be his girlfriend and interpret Ray's actions through the filter of a heroic badass quest.

The humor in the story will also derive from the contrast Ann Nguyen's the constantly applicable practical prepper skill set versus Ray's occasionally game breaking but otherwise limited skill set (computers and violence). A final source of humor stems from the conflict between the melodramatic mock heroic inner monologue of ray and the actual situation. A visual narrative contrast.

Ray's reliance on violence appeals to his father, despite is other children being more capable in the running of the camp. Most of the villains should be portrayed sympathetically. And the story will gradually reveal - although the core cast will not notice- that ray's camp is hated as a violent bully by the other camps.

Ray has three older sisters: Linsday, Brenda and Chandra. All of whom are more capable than him but neglected due to gender. Linsday is ray's fraternal twin and better at him in everything including combat but doesn't enjoy killing. Brenda and Chandra are highly skilled leaders with strong organizational and strategic minds, but neither is bloodthirsty or cruel. Their father considers this weakness. Although examples of how viciousness and cruelty immediately biting him and camp in the ass are frequent and legendary. Other camps call them Camp Scorpion.

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