An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Concept Idea: The Seventh Song (Video Game idea)

Players experience a Loss of innocence when they learn the truth about their utopia.

Players discover the rebels are also using the locust king's methods and are no better, simply less successful than the empire. And are forced to deal with the idea of the victims are also contributing to the problem.

Faced with the unpleasant truth that helping either team will lead to the imminent destruction of the ecosystem and also magic and magitek and the end of civilization and the death of millions. But although releasing the sleeping beast will prevent the destruction of the eco system, it will still destroy magitek and cripple the power of magic across the world and kill fewer but still millions.

The game will include multiple wild goose chase legends about magical solutions: ancient crystals, lost gods, power from the moon, lost ancient magitek, geomancy and solarmancy etc... each includes a resolution where the solution is found to be fake or the weakness or problem of the solution is made clear.

Finishing any wild goose chase arc spends time towards the actual solution. The more wild goose chases pursued the worse the ending obtained.

Best ending has five million people survive, 1 out of every 4 (original population was about 20 million) and proper leadership is in place so that society doesn't break down in the aftermath.

Worst non-evil ending. Less than one million survive. Anarchy ensues. Mass war and flitting and killing. The old ones confirm that life will continue. But the survival of the human race is not certain.

Evil ending IMPERIAL
Similar to the naive ending. But the 'heroes' know the consequences of their actions. The ending concludes with the shattering of the magitek shield and a rush of wendigo and refugees as the sky turns blood red. but instead of saying THE END, it says THE BEGINNING OF THE END

Evil ending REBELS
if the players kill the sleeping beast after siding with the rebels the ending will show the fall of the empire and the brief rise of the frontier states before the sky turns red and the wendigo swarm across the land. but instead of saying THE END, it says THE BEGINNING OF THE END

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