An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Feed and Breed (Food Poisoning for Thought Reprint)

(*Reprinted from Food Poisoning for Thought as part my ongoing process to unify my web presence.*)

Feed and breed. When we eliminate all the fancy talk, this is what is left. The only two things that can be empirically defined as the purpose of any organism: feed and breed.

So why do we dress it up? Why pretend there is more than this simple pair of directives?

Because by playing games of make believe we can work together. Because by playing games of make believe we can extend our survival by feeding and breeding without destroying our home. The games of make believe that we play, when we pretend that there is meaning beyond those two essential drives, these games allow us a prosperity and a success unknown by non-social beings.

A Community is nothing but a pack living according to an agreed upon lie- to co-opt Napoleon's description of history. So lie well. And believe your lies.

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