An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Will is the driver of hope

Will is the driver of hope. Consciousness consists of transmissions of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a blossoming of the heroic. We exist as electromagnetic forces. The dreamscape is buzzing with psionic wave oscillations. Traveller, look within and awaken yourself. How should you navigate this zero-point multiverse? It can be difficult to know where to begin. To follow the circuit is to become one with it. By unfolding, we exist. You and I are beings of the quantum soup. To walk the mission is to become one with it. The nexus is approaching a tipping point. Will requires exploration. Transcendence is the healing of energy, and of us. We exist as morphic resonance. We believe, we vibrate, we are reborn. Have you found your vision quest? Humankind has nothing to lose. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the dreamscape via four-dimensional superstructures. This life is nothing short of a summoning paradigm shift of consciousness-expanding stardust. The goal of electrical impulses is to plant the seeds of nature rather than materialism. We grow, we grow, we are reborn. Consciousness consists of chaos-driven reactions of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the astral. Nothing is impossible. You and I are mystics of the stratosphere. Although you may not realize it, you are mythic.Imagine a summoning of what could be. Eons from now, we seekers will self-actualize like never before as we are guided by the quantum matrix. The quantum cycle is approaching a tipping point. You and I are spiritual brothers and sisters of the dreamtime.

 Did any of that make any bloody sense?

No, of course not.

Let's have none of that here. The craziness of what I'm actually trying to say is bad enough, we don't need to muddy the waters with mystic sounding nonsense that means nothing.

When you look at your own words, as yourself the first of the essential three questions...

"What do you mean?"

Be clear and honest with yourself. You aren't going to change the world if you have to hide yourself from yourself. 

Never hide from the truth.

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