An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Monday, May 28, 2018

Dear Employers (We know how to do our Jobs)

Dear Employers,

We know how to do our jobs. Not to the level of fanaticism that you would like, but we know how to do our jobs well enough to get by. You aren't worth more effort than that, not for what you pay us, not considering the demands you make on our time and our dignity.

There are three times when pick up the pace; when you're watching, during performance review, and nope... actually I think that's about it. You can have our calls monitored, but somebody has to go and review the recording. You can put video cameras in the store, but somebody has to go and review the recording. You can monitor our web browsing, but somebody has to go and review the records. So you see the problem, and its your problem not ours.

You have already promoted the Type A people and the psychopaths into management. The rest of use are just trying to get through the day. And nothing you can do will permanently transform us into a type A psychopath like you hope. If you can't build your business on exploiting the effort that we are willing to do, then you will fail. McDonald's made a business work when run by stone fifteen year olds. Yes, stoned. One of my closest friends from high school sold marijuana right out the back of the door and he made assistant manager. It took years for him to be caught and fired.

Dear Employers, if it takes you years to catch a sixteen year old kid selling marijuana out of your back door, how likely are you to keep the rest of us off the internet chat rooms?

Life is Short.
Work is Crap.
Join my Cult.

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