An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

You lack conviction

What is your mission? What is your purpose? You must have a life Path. You must have a reason beyond sex, drugs and daily bread to get up in morning.

I don't mean crap like career or pay check. I don't mean platitudes like friends and family. Of course you love your family! I'm not talking about the day to day.

What would you die for? No. Wrong question. What would you sell the remaining days of your life to accomplish? Because there's a good chance that isn't what you are doing with your days.

Whatever you are spending your days on, that is literally what you have chosen to die for. And if you think that's your family and not your day job, well that's okay. You're allowed to lie to yourself. We all do it.


Or instead, ask yourself who has tricked you and trapped you, chained you up with a white or blue collar and pay check just substantial enough to make walking away difficult. No shame in admitting this has occurred. It happens to nearly all of us. I am still trying to fight my way free. There is no shame in being caught, only in allowing yourself to remain caught without a struggle.

What would you sell the remaining days of your life to accomplish? You need to know this! Stare into the darkness of your soul. Don't settle for culturally appropriate answers. Don't settle for platitudes. Find your mission! In less than a century, in all likelihood, you will be dead. You will then be nothing more than the impact you have made.

Do you really want that impact to be on the quarterly bonuses of some CEO? Or the vague platitudes given in some heartfelt eulogy straining to make your life sound interesting?

The world is overflowing with people, seven billion bipedal parasites. And we are quite literally killing the life support system of the planet. If you want to be worthy of a proper eulogy, then you better do more than be a vaguely pleasant person and let life kick you around. If you want to be worth the air you breathe, and the resources you consume, then you need to have an impact other than improving the rate at which corporations are consuming the planet.

A century from now, the people still alive will look back upon our generation and wonder what we were thinking. Be one of the noted exceptions. Do something. Stand for something.

You're going to die for something. Do you want it to be for Donald Trump's pocketbook?

Life is short.
Work is crap.
Join my cult.

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