An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Monday, June 4, 2018

Dear Employers (We don't want your gamification)

Dear Employers,

We don't want your gamification. Points and badges and Leaderboards don't make something fun on their own. Competitions don't motivate without an underlying reason.

What you ask most of us to do is monotonous grinding grunt work- even if we sit at a desk. And a grind wihout a goal, a mission of greatness, will just grind a person down.

And so it doesn't matter what kind of surface level gamifications you try to incorporate into your sad little skinner box motivational scheme. It might work short term, but not long term. We need a mission, an compelling goal- and your return on investment doesn't count, neither does your golden parachute.

Points and Badges and Leaderboards are their to help us through the troughs, the low points where motivation is hard to sustain on our epic quests though life. They are not their to trick or compel us to devote our lives to the service of a false god and a false king for false profit benefiting somebody else.

So try them. They might work for a few months, you might get your bonus. But then its back to the grind for all of us.

Life is Short.
Work is Crap.
Join my Cult.

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