An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Work in Progress

Hi All.

This your Glorious Leader Speaking. I missed yesterday's post. And that deserves an explanation. I was struck by a cyclist several weeks back and fractured the cartilage in my ribs. As such, I've been relying on post I had logged as back up till this point.

I am still stuck reclining, as sitting in front of a computer causes my back to seize up. So I am limited to what work I can do from my phone. As you see here.

I am trying to work on the first official book release for the Blood Red Dreaming Project. But due to the injury and my ongoing issues with anxiety and depression, I am having to pick my battles.

As such, these blog posts will likely be limited to progress reports while I heal.

Thank you everyone for you understanding.

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