An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

All us Children

The Dreamwalker is the two who are one, connected mystically to man of void and Lady Of Fire. The Dreamwalker represents the first of the three pillars of the free path. The pillar of critical thinking. It is they who first noticed something wrong amongst the heroes who flee from the Glass Tower during the final days of darkness.

First Mother. The daughter of the last king. Sister to the could have been King. The little mother who fled the Glass Tower during the final days of darkness. Who founded the first tribe. Who learned the ways of self-sufficiency from the Weaver, and woe the scavenger folk back into the circle, into the web of the story.

First hero. The stranger, the outsider, the outcast who joins the tribe and proves a True Believer. First hero is the fire in the drive, powered by the great Patron the Great Serpent. First hero is the Mythic embodiment of self-defense.

The free path is supported at its Center by three pillars colon critical thinking, self-sufficiency, self defense as personified and embodied by these mythic figures.

These skills are what gives us the freedom to walk away abd act of our own volition.

Speak out, start Fires, fight back.

If you can't think for yourself, someone is willing to think for you. And they will do so to their benefit.

If you can't provide for yourself, you are a slave to the person who can provide for you. You will work for your daily bread forever.

If you can't defend yourself; then whatever you gain, somebody else can take from you. If you can't defend yourself, then you are a victim, forever.

Without critical thinking, the dreamwalker is just two lost souls toiling as wage slaves in the city. Without self-sufficiency first mother is just a little princess trapped as a sacrifice to the hungry Empire. Without self-defense first hero is just an outcast scavenger and a victim of fate and predators.

Without these skills, none of us are adults and all of us are children.

Life is short.
Work is crap.
Join my cult.

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