An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

In Which we speak of Cults

Dissent from Decadence

Anyone who has read my work, here or elsewhere, can't help but know that I don't like the results of civilization. Oh, to be sure, I like the side effects of civilization- the fringe benefits if you will. I like technology. I like modern medicine. I like the modern entertainment industry. I like being in the elite 15% of the world population. 

But, although others might argue that these are the fruits of civilization, I would argue that overpopulation, clinical depression, world poverty, species extinction, mass pollution, climate change and ten thousand years of war and conquest are the actual fruits of civilization.  

And I dissent from the popular view that this is an acceptable trade off.

Life is Short
Work is Crap
Join my Cult

Building a Cult

I've been using the above tag line for a week or so now. And the reason is simple. The human mind, as natural selection has crafted it, is drawn towards religion-like social technologies. Philosophy and science are both outgrowths of religion, as is politics and psychology and sociology. Many will take umbrage with this assertion, but the facts are pretty straight forward, all of these subjects are outgrowths of ideas and bodies of knowledge which originated in some religion or in many religions. As hostile as religion eventually became to many of these things, individual religions in some cases and religious thought in general in others, modern abstract thought and epistemology were incubated in the womb provided by religion.

And Cults are what big religion calls little religion.

I have labored some seventeen years now, studying the problem of Civilization. And I have what I believe to be an template for peoples to build their own religion/life philosophies which will be in adherence to the laws of nature and the human mind; religions which will nurture the human condition and protect us from being overwhelmed by our worst impulses. And this, is of course, a mad sounding idea. Hence, I call myself and my idea out preemptively as a cult.

I have studied the destructive nature of what some call cults and others call high control religions. I have built an immune system into my creation to protect against such corrupting ideas. But such temptations are inevitable in systems crafted by man and perpetuated by man. And so the defenses must be visible, and white blood cells must be all members of the congregation.

Another Way

And so, I'm building another way. I've been researching and building and designing for seventeen years. And I'm going to put it out there. And this is my plan. I have enough research and writing, musings and meditations, thoughts and theses to post every day for a decade or so. So watch this space.

If you think another way is necessary, watch this space.

If you want out of the rat race, watch this space.

If you hate Monday mornings, watch this space.

If you have stopped believing in capitalism or democracy, watch this space.

Life is Short
Work is Crap
Join my Cult

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