An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Welcome to the Revolution. Here's your Crown.

Civilized religion and/or political ideology often begins as rebellion and ends as oppression. Look at Christianity and communism. What fights against the king is frequently conquered and then used by the king against his enemies.

Why do rebels become tyrants? Why do movements seeking liberation end up oppressing? Revolution as a word refers to a circle. And revolution keeps rolling back to oppression by tyrants, because nobody from tyrant to rebel to unwashed masses understand another method of living. We know only oppression. Rebels become tyrants because that can't imagine a system that functions without tyrants. They try to be good tyrants or to hold tyrants to some rule of law or to make tyrants democratically elected. But they can't imagine as system without tyrants.

We are all slaves. And we keep asking," if we have killed the master, who will rule us? "

We have spent ten thousand years isolated from the proper way for humans to live. We have spent ten thousand years finding and destroying that knowledge wherever we encounter it and typically destroying the cultures that still possess and preserve this knowledge. These cultures also revolve, circles of cultural transmission, as parents pass on the story and culture to the next generation necessary to rebuild the culture.

Tradition and treason share etymological roots. The empire does not relinquish power. Pharaoh does not die. He ascends to rule as a god. As did Caesar. As did Jesus of Nazareth. The empire is unwilling to admit to the ascendancy of natural cycles. The emperor does not die. The sun never sets on the empire. The kingdom does not decline. No autumn. No winter. Always summer. Always growing.

The Empire accumulates as a basic function, and it does not pass on anything to the next generation willingly. Look at the wars of succession throughout history. Note how new gods steal control of heaven from the old gods, as Zeus did from Chronos. And Zeus was revolutionary liberator and then oppressor, because there must always be a tyrant.

As was Christ. As was Lenin. As was Moses. As was Castro. As was Mao.

Whether political or religious, our cultural discourse has been unable to speak in any language but that of the oppressor since the Agricultural Revolution, the last ten thousand years.

And new concepts are built into the education of young slaves and oppressors (And all oppressors are also slaves). They are taught to believe in a reward and an afterlife following death, to better tolerate oppression while live. They are taught the idea of progress and the idea of the inevitability of progress, to prevent them exploring the old ways which contain the true keys to freedom. They are taught the idea of sin or the idea that humans are flawed and imperfect beings and that the inequality and oppression of modern life are inevitable.

We don't need a new way. We need the old way.

Life is Short.
Work is Crap.
Join my Cult.

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