An Introduction to Interdimensional VIllainy

Friday, April 13, 2018

Video Games and Answering the Question of Civilization

I want to torture a metaphor here, so bear with me.

I love "The Matrix Revolutions ", and I do occasionally find myself defending it to others, especially the ending. I find myself doing the same with some of my favorite video games, particularly "Far Cry 3 ". I do on occasion, as a result, find myself telling people that they've missed the point of the story or the ending- going all sanctimonious hipster in my justifications.

And then we get to "The Last of Us ", which I hate. It's been repeatedly referred to with breathless praise as, "the 'Citizen Cane ' of video games ". I've listened to commentators talk about the genius behind the characterization and the ending and the arcs of the narrative. And I have had people tell me breathlessly that I don't understand it.

But I do understand it.

I'm just not impressed by it.

And now, if I'm being honest with myself, I have to wonder if people also did understand my favorite films and video games and such.

And if they also did not care.

I am forced to consider the idea that smart people may consider the same facts as I have, and that they might then come to a different conclusion.

Some questions have provable right or wrong answers. Others have only answers that provide working results and answers that don't provide working results.

Now it's time to get contentious. "The Last of Us " may be given a pass on this basis but civilization does not. After ten thousand years, it has not provided working results. So what is to be done?

Life is short.
Work is crap.
Join my cult.

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